curriculum statement
At Rose Hill it is our intention that learning is meaningful and memorable in order to ensure that all of our children become successful learners and responsible citizens who are proud to achieve. Our curriculum is designed to instil a curiosity and enthusiasm in our pupils. Delivery of this curriculum, both in and outside the classrooms helps to equip our children with the tools to become successful adults.
The fundamental skills and knowledge contained within the 2014 National Curriculum give children an excellent foundation for learning. Our school curriculum however goes beyond this in order to fully instil an appreciation for the world in which they are growing up. Therefore in discussion with staff and children we have agreed a core set of values that underpin all of our learning at Rose Hill.
Our curriculum intent is underpinned by the National Curriculum. Subject Leaders have worked hard to put learning into meaningful contexts that will build upon each other as children progress through school. Our curriculum is designed to give children opportunities for experiential learning which will promote our school values, as well developing each child’s skills and knowledge.
Please see the long term plans on each subject page to see how we intend to deliver each and every subject. We implement our curriculum by designing each lesson with a focus on developing and embedding knowledge, skills and our core values above. Each lesson has a focus on using at least one of our core values but many lessons will require the children to draw on more of our values, therefore making our lessons progressive, not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but also in terms of social, emotional and moral development.
At Rose Hill we feel that the work in the children’s books and the way that they can articulate their learning journey for each subject is the most powerful measure of the impact of the teaching and learning that takes place. We are also developing our subject displays so that they showcase the progression within each subject from Foundation stage to Year 6. Like all schools we use a range of formative and summative assessment strategies to measure the impact of our curriculum. Formative assessments are continually made during lessons to inform our future planning and teaching. Summative assessments are completed termly, half termly or at the end of a subject unit to inform teacher judgements of how children are achieving.
It is important to us as a staff team that we continually reflect on the impact that our delivery of the curriculum has on the progress of all our children, in all areas. We are committed to being the very best educators we can be by keeping up to date with current research and initiatives through professional development opportunities and sharing good practice through teacher research groups. We know that we can provide children with a primary experience that will stay with them for years to come, by offering them the foundations needed to become responsible citizens and successful learners who are proud to achieve.
If you would like further information regarding the curriculum, please send an email to for the attention of Miss Dawson.
Termly Curriculum Maps are available on each of our Year Group pages under Parent Information.