"When you learn languages, you are at home anywhere."
Edward De Waal
At Rose Hill, we believe that learning another language is an important part of a child’s education. It allows our children to continue to build self-confidence as well as developing their communication skills.
In our ever-advancing society, children have the ability to communicate with others from around the world and it is our aim to equip the children with the skills and confidence to be able to do this and to gain a better understanding of different cultures.
At Rose Hill, the children in KS2 have approximately 30 minutes direct teaching per week. This is taught by their class teacher using KAPOW, a flexible scheme of work that is skills-based and mapped to the KS2 Framework as well as National Curriculum modern foreign languages levels.
This teaching is supplemented by short classroom activities with the class teacher such as talking the register in French/counting using French. We ensure that pupil engagement is a key priority by planning exciting and interactive activities for the children, accompanying by songs and games.
Bonjour. Je m’appelle.... Comment tu t’appelles? Ca va?