The Early Years teachers invite you to view the documents and videos below which explain how reading is taught in the Nursery and Reception classes.
Reading is a complex skill and we teach the children different strategies to help them read confidently.
Lips the Fish reminds readers to look at the beginning of a word and get their lips ready to say the first sound. This essential strategy centres on the Visual cues students see as they focus on the printed letters of a word.
Stretchy Snake is a reading strategy that teaches the chldren to sound out words by stretching out each sound and blending it to hear the complete word.
Eagle Eye is a beginning reading strategy that teaches the children to use their eyes to scan the picture for clues when they encounter difficult words. This strategy reminds them that they should look closely at what the picture and what is happening in the story.

Please take a look at the videos and information below, which explain how we teach reading in Years 1 and 2 and how you can support your child when reading at home.
The Key Stage 2 teachers have prepared lots of information to help you support your child's reading at home. The Lower Key Stage 2 information is tailored to Years 3 and 4, with Upper Key Stage 2 relating to Years 5 and 6.